Support the Scientific Foundation for Anti-tumor studies
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Thank you for your interest in our researches underway at the Scientific Foundation for
Anti-tumor studies. Your gift helps us continue our studies against tumor development and unbearable pain of cancer patient. The mission of the Scientific Foundation for Anti-tumor studies is to follow up on specific cases of anti-tumor effects: use of natural bioactive compounds, reducing the pain of cancer, understanding the mechanisms that contribute to anti-tumor effects in
various cancers by several pathways, the origine of cancer by analyzing global research on how diet and nutrition affect the risk of cancer and cancer prevention.
Scientific Foundation for Anti-tumor studies
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Scientific Foundation for Anti-tumor studies
Paris 2014
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Unit of Cordyceps production - Anti-tumor & Immunostimulant studies
Biophoton studies – Cordyceps Potentiator
Scientific work: The civilization on the erroneous direction
Anti-tumor studies
Research on the anti-tumor effects are aware of some natural bioactive compounds that could simultaneously inhibit the growth of cancer cells and stimulating the immune system. We try to develop hypothesis recommended by other scientists. The mechanism focuses on some points, the first that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and the second is to stimulate the immune system. Finally the effects to shrink the tumor cells at least it will give us a light at the end of tunnel.
Biophoton studies
Fritz-Albert Popp, a German physicist who is the inventor of biophoton theory has conducted research that confirms the existence of biophotons. These particles of light transmit information within and between cells. His work shows that DNA in a living cell stores and releases photons creating “biophotonic emissions” that may hold the key to illness and health.
Biophoton theory concerns DNA as the most probable source of biophoton emission. The biological emission of photons (biophotons is a term used to describe the permanent ultraweak (1-100 photons/sec/cm2) emission of coherent photons from living systems.
Biophoton/ultraweak photon emission reflects the pathophysiological state with respect to mitochondrial energy (ATP) production.
Biophotons consist of light with a high degree of order, biological laser light. Ultraweak Photon Emission (UPE) refers to the phenomenon of constant and spontaneous emission of light from all biological systems including humans due to metabolic activities, without excitation or enhancement. This occurs in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum at ultra low intensities, on the order of 10-16 – 10-18 W/cm2. The coherent emission of bio-photons is connected to energy and information transfer processes in the biological organisms.
Researchers hope that one day differences in the light (biophoton) from healthy and cancerous cells will give doctors a new non-invasive tool for spotting disease.
The natural bioactive compounds demonstrate mechanisms contributing to anti-tumor effects in various cancers through several pathways. We always think to cancer patients who suffered unbearable cancer pain. We hope that your help will contribute to the existence of our research activities.
Best regards,
J. Ros